Effi­cient cus­toms clear­ance for fast deliveries

Effi­cien­cy and trans­paren­cy are cru­cial when it comes to opti­mis­ing sup­ply chains. With our care­ful­ly thought-out cam­paign plan­ning and AEO (Autho­rised Eco­nom­ic Oper­a­tor) sta­tus, this is exact­ly where we come in to make cus­toms clear­ance for your deliv­er­ies faster and more secure.

Opti­mised cam­paign plan­ning for the short­est deliv­ery times

Our pro­duc­tion in pre-planned cam­paigns makes it pos­si­ble to short­en deliv­ery times while ensur­ing flex­i­ble and pre­cise pre-plan­ning. For you, this means greater secu­ri­ty of sup­ply and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reduce stor­age capac­i­ties. With a sup­ply agree­ment, you secure guar­an­teed pro­duc­tion capac­i­ties and pre­dictable deliv­ery dates — ide­al for keep­ing your pro­duc­tion run­ning with­out interruptions

Just ask us when your cam­paign with us starts

AEO cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for sim­pli­fied cus­toms clearance

As one of the first Ger­man com­pa­nies to receive AEO sta­tus, you ben­e­fit from sim­pli­fied and faster cus­toms clear­ance. Espe­cial­ly for inter­na­tion­al deliv­er­ies, our AEO sta­tus ensures that your goods arrive quick­ly and with­out delays — a real advan­tage for your pro­duc­tion reli­a­bil­i­ty and efficiency

We guar­an­tee you the short­est deliv­ery times →

The foun­da­tions of our suc­cess: Val­ues at ETHEN ROHRE

At ETHEN ROHRE, it is our val­ues that guide us and define our suc­cess. These val­ues are more than just words; they are the foun­da­tion for our dai­ly actions and shape the cul­ture of our company.

Open­ness, loy­al­ty, will­ing­ness to change, quality and hon­esty are deeply root­ed in our day-to-day work and influ­ence every deci­sion we make.

For you, this means that you can rely on a part­ner­ship char­ac­terised by trans­paren­cy and trust.

Val­ues that guide us and ensure your success


We val­ue open and hon­est co-oper­a­tion, know how to lis­ten and are open to crit­i­cism. This cre­ates secure jobs.


We believe that loy­al­ty means more than just men­tal and phys­i­cal pres­ence. We are com­mit­ted to our tra­di­tion — towards col­leagues, part­ners and customers.


We are future-ori­en­tat­ed and capa­ble of change — in work process­es, gen­er­a­tional changes and inno­v­a­tive machines. Our cus­tomer-ori­en­ta­tion and friend­ly atmos­phere ensure the inde­pen­dence of our company.


Our pas­sion and enthu­si­asm ensure high quality and fun at work. In addi­tion, we live a cul­ture of com­mit­ment, will­ing­ness to learn and a cul­ture of think­ing ahead.


We act con­sis­tent­ly and clear­ly — in the for­mu­la­tion of our expec­ta­tions and in dai­ly dialogue.

In short: Our val­ues are your advan­tage. They not only ensure you first-class prod­ucts, but also a trust­ing and suc­cess­ful co-operation.

They are the rea­son why we at ETHEN ROHRE are proud of what we do and how we do it. We look for­ward to tak­ing you with us on this jour­ney and being suc­cess­ful together.

Precision and safe­ty: XRF tech­nol­o­gy at ETHEN ROHRE

At our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty in Aachen, Germany, we use advanced tech­nolo­gies to achieve the best results for your capillary and precision tubes. This includes X‑ray flu­o­res­cence analy­sis (XRF), which we typ­i­cal­ly use for authen­ti­ca­tion and quality assurance.

Focus on accu­ra­cy and quality

By using XRF tech­nol­o­gy, we are able to analyse the materials in our tubes quick­ly and accu­rate­ly. This not only reduces deliv­ery times, but also ensures that your orders meet the required spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Our metic­u­lous test­ing pro­ce­dures ensure that the packed tubes are made from the cor­rect materials and that the spec­i­fied materials are correct.

Exper­tise and experience

In Aachen, we have a high­ly qual­i­fied team with exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the use of XRF tech­nol­o­gy. This enables us to car­ry out all tests with the utmost precision and professionalism.

Com­pre­hen­sive services

ETHEN ROHRE offers X‑ray flu­o­res­cence analy­sis not only for its own capillary and precision tubes, but also as a service for all types of tubes. Whether you want to test our tubes or those of oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, our facil­i­ty in Aachen is your reli­able part­ner for pre­cise and fast analyses.

If you have any ques­tions about our capillary and precision tubes, please con­tact us.

You can eas­i­ly reach us on +49 241 900 716–0. The ETHEN ROHRE team will be hap­py to help you!

Your con­sis­tent part­ner and advisor

At ETHEN ROHRE, we under­stand that you are more than just a num­ber in our sys­tem. In our cus­tomer rela­tion­ship with you, we see our­selves not only as a busi­ness part­ner, but also as a part­ner and advi­sor.

We take note of your com­pa­ny-spe­cif­ic dif­fi­cul­ties, whether it is infla­tion, uncer­tain­ties in the sup­ply chains or sim­i­lar chal­lenges. We are ready to work proac­tive­ly and find solu­tions to your problems.

With the aim of con­tin­u­ous­ly improv­ing our service and meet­ing your needs in an even more tar­get­ed man­ner, we con­duct­ed a cus­tomer sur­vey in Feb­ru­ary and March to eval­u­ate your sat­is­fac­tion. The results con­firm our pos­i­tive devel­op­ment and the exist­ing poten­tial for improv­ing our performance.

Many thanks to all those who took part in our survey.

You can down­load the results here.

ETHEN ROHRE customer survey overview

Our efforts to be your part­ner and advi­sor are also reflect­ed in the results. 97% of all those involved are sat­is­fied with our part­ners. Thank you for your feedback!

Around 81% pre­fer to con­tact our team by email, and most expect a response on the same or next day. These results will be inte­grat­ed into our team, and we will con­tin­ue to work on our avail­abil­i­ty for you.

To give you a bet­ter impres­sion of our team and who is behind the names, we are intro­duc­ing you today to two employ­ees who are a great sup­port in order pro­cess­ing and in the background.

Your enquiries in trust­wor­thy hands

We are hap­py to answer any ques­tions you may have about orders and con­fir­ma­tions by phone or email. Petra Deris­sen, Jens Klauke and I — Tobias Kirch — will do our best to answer your enquiries as quick­ly as possible.

Our inter­nal process­es are struc­tured in such a way that our team is always able to record and for­ward the infor­ma­tion you need quick­ly and eas­i­ly. How­ev­er, should it hap­pen that a tele­phone query can­not be answered imme­di­ate­ly, we will inform you and endeav­our to find a quick solution.

It is very important to our team that you feel under­stood and that we take your con­cerns seri­ous­ly. We realise how important our capillary and precision tubes are for you, and there­fore we strive for secu­ri­ty in your orders and deliveries.

Con­tact us if you have any ques­tions about your orders and order confirmations!

ETHEN ROHRE Petra Derissen Administration

Petra Deris­sen

Phone: +49 241 900 716 14
Mail: petra.​derissen@​ethen-​rohre.​de

“I real­ly appre­ci­ate the respect­ful inter­ac­tion, the short deci­sion-mak­ing process­es and the prox­im­i­ty to pro­duc­tion — you’re always up to date.”

ETHEN ROHRE - Jens Klauke
Jens Klauke

Phone: +49 241 900 716 13
Mail: jens.​klauke@​ethen-​rohre.​de

“The pos­i­tive work­ing atmos­phere in the team plays a key role in ensur­ing that our col­lab­o­ra­tion runs smooth­ly and that we get along well as colleagues.”


I hope these insights will help you to bet­ter under­stand how we work and to get to know our team better.

Kind regards
Tobias Kirch, CEO

Renewed TÜV Rhein­land cer­ti­fi­ca­tion con­firms the high­est quality standards at ETHEN ROHRE

Renewed TÜV Rhein­land cer­ti­fi­ca­tion con­firms the high­est quality standards at ETHEN ROHRE

This cer­ti­fi­ca­tion empha­sis­es our ongo­ing com­mit­ment to the high­est quality standards and safe pro­duc­tion. With the con­tin­u­ous renew­al of our cer­tifi­cates, we con­tin­ue to assure you of the fol­low­ing standards:

  • - ISO 9001:2015 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion: this cer­ti­fi­ca­tion proves that we have imple­ment­ed an effec­tive quality man­age­ment sys­tem in accor­dance with the stan­dard spec­i­fi­ca­tions. As a result, we guar­an­tee con­sis­tent and repro­ducible results that meet the require­ments and legal regulations.
  • - KTA audit and approval: In addi­tion to our ISO cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, we suc­cess­ful­ly passed the KTA audit this year. This means that we are still autho­rised as a manufacturer of capillary and precision tubes for use in nuclear pow­er plants. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion con­firms our abil­i­ty to man­u­fac­ture and test nuclear com­po­nents as well as the high qual­i­fi­ca­tion of our mon­i­tor­ing and test­ing personnel.

In addi­tion to these cer­tifi­cates, we have oth­er autho­ri­sa­tions that under­pin our quality. See for yourself!

Dis­cov­er the vari­ety of our precision tubes

At ETHEN ROHRE, we are proud to be your reli­able manufacturing part­ner for capillary and precision tubes with diameters rang­ing from 0.7 mm to 19.05 mm. Our precision and capillary tubes are man­u­fac­tured in Aachen with the high­est quality “Made in Germany” on machines devel­oped in-house that can be quick­ly con­vert­ed.

Our inno­v­a­tive machines and pro­duc­tion sys­tems offer you a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage: faster and more flex­i­ble pro­duc­tion. Regard­less of whether you need a small or large batch, our sys­tems enable us to fulfil your orders effi­cient­ly and with­in a fast timeframe.

We offer var­i­ous types of tubes to suit your require­ments and areas of appli­ca­tion. Among them are

  • - Instru­men­ta­tion tubes
    This type of tube is used to pro­tect, insu­late or guide var­i­ous sen­sors, mea­sur­ing devices or oth­er com­po­nents, while at the same time enabling pre­cise and reli­able measurement. They are often used in med­ical tech­nol­o­gy or measurement and con­trol technology.
  • - Hydraulic capillary
    This type of tube, as the name sug­gests, is used in hydraulic sys­tems to trans­port and con­trol flu­ids under pres­sure. They must be able to with­stand high pres­sure while ensur­ing smooth and reli­able trans­mis­sion of hydraulic ener­gy. They are usu­al­ly used in the auto­mo­tive indus­try, indus­tri­al plants and many oth­er applications.
  • - High-pres­sure tubes
    As the term implies, these tubes are used for extreme­ly high pres­sure, that they have to with­stand with­out break­ing or fail­ing. For this rea­son, their areas of appli­ca­tion include the oil and gas industry.
  • - Can­u­la
    Cannula tubes are typ­i­cal­ly thin-walled and have a small diam­e­ter to enable the pro­duc­tion of fine and sharp med­ical nee­dles. As a result, cannula tubes are used in a wide range of appli­ca­tions in the med­ical tech­nol­o­gy sector
  • - Pyrom­e­ter tubes
    Pyrom­e­ters are devices that are used for non-con­tact measurement of tem­per­a­tures by detect­ing the heat radi­a­tion of an object. Pyrom­e­ter tubes there­fore serve as pro­tec­tion and guid­ance for the sen­sors or mea­sur­ing heads of the pyrom­e­ters. These heat-resis­tant tubes are used in measurement and con­trol technology.
  • - Pro­tec­tive tubes
    We man­u­fac­ture our ther­mo­cou­ple pro­tec­tion tubes from Alloy 600, a nick­el-chromi­um-iron alloy fea­tur­ing good mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties in all tem­per­a­ture ranges. In addi­tion to their tem­per­a­ture resis­tance, they are char­ac­terised by their sta­bil­i­ty against chlo­rine, hydro­gen chlo­ride, oxi­da­tion, car­buri­sa­tion and sticking.

How to request your next capillary and precision tubes

With our web­site relaunch, we not only want­ed to give our web­site a new look, but also make it a lot eas­i­er for you to nav­i­gate and make a request. It was very important to us that the exist­ing stock list pro­vides an even bet­ter overview of stock lev­els and sim­pli­fies the enquiry process.

To ensure that your next request works smooth­ly, we are pro­vid­ing you with a brief guide and overview of how to make a request via our new stock list. Or have a look at our video instructions. 

ETHEN ROHRE Stock list

To access the stock list, please click on the fol­low­ing link, www​.ethen​-rohre​.de/​e​n​/​s​t​o​c​k​-​l​i​st/. This will take you direct­ly to an overview of all the tubes we cur­rent­ly have in stock.

To make it eas­i­er for you to find your capillary and precision tube, you can fil­ter by mate­r­i­al and the dimen­sions out­er (mm), wall thick­ness (mm) and inner (mm).

The infor­ma­tion on the overview page is organ­ised as follows:

  • Mate­r­i­al num­ber and out­er dimen­sion x wall thickness
  • Mate­r­i­al designation
  • Cur­rent stock in metres

Select the right tube for you here. This will take you to the fol­low­ing prod­uct view:

ETHEN ROHRE Stock list product overview

Regard­less of which capillary or precision tube you have select­ed, the prod­uct page always has the same struc­ture. At the top, you will see the prod­uct des­ig­na­tion, which is made up of the mate­r­i­al num­ber and exter­nal dimen­sion x wall thick­ness.

On this page, you can com­pare all the tech­ni­cal data with the tube you require. To send a request, enter your desired quan­ti­ty in metres in the field under Quantity.

Note: If you enter a quan­ti­ty that exceeds our stock, the val­ue will be updat­ed to the num­ber of the cur­rent stock.

Once you have entered your quan­ti­ty, select the box next to the batch num­ber and then just click on Bulk add to cart.

You can check your selec­tion in the shop­ping bas­ket and then you will be tak­en to the checkout.


To the video instructions.

Min­i­mum order val­ue 500 EUR

To mark the offi­cial launch of our new ETHEN ROHRE stock list, we are launch­ing the fol­low­ing short-term promotion:
Instead of the usu­al min­i­mum order val­ue of EUR 850, we are cur­rent­ly offer­ing a min­i­mum order val­ue of EUR 500 until the end of May 2024.

We would like to thank you for your loy­al­ty and trust in us.

Is your capillary or precision tube not on the stock list? Then send us a pro­duc­tion request!

Thank you for your loy­al­ty — 105th anniver­sary of ETHEN ROHRE

We at ETHEN ROHRE are proud to be cel­e­brat­ing our 105th anniver­sary this year.

Since our first com­pa­ny ori­gins in 1919, we have con­tin­u­ous­ly focussed on pro­duc­ing high quality tubes. In doing so, we have nev­er shied away from adapt­ing to indus­try standards and expand­ing our service port­fo­lio.

ETHEN ROHRE 105 years

Tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion since 105 years

1919 First ori­gins of the company
1951 Start of the pro­duc­tion of hypo­der­mic needles
1959 Foun­da­tion of the com­pa­ny as it is today
1960 Devel­op­ment of the tube draw­ing method as it is used today
1961 Opti­mi­sa­tion of manufacturing meth­ods & sources of procurement
2009 Change of name from J. & J. Ethen into ETHEN ROHRE
2014 Invest­ment pro­gramme Pre­ci­sion­Plus is completed
2016 Use of com­pa­ny-wide ERP /​ PPS software
2020 Refit­ting of draw­ing benches
2021 Invest­ment in a PV system
2022 Com­mis­sion­ing of two semi-auto­mat­ic straight­en­ing machines
2024 Dou­bling the capac­i­ty of the PV system

We would like to thank you on our anniver­sary. Your sup­port and trust are very important to us and moti­vate us to keep improving.

Here’s to many more suc­cess­ful years and a great co-operation!

Quality that can be shown off

Capillary and precision tubes in small and large dimen­sions are a fun­da­men­tal component in var­i­ous areas of appli­ca­tion. In appa­ra­tus and equip­ment engi­neer­ing, for exam­ple, tubes fulfil crit­i­cal func­tions that increase or decrease the quality of the sys­tem. A mil­lime­tre too much or too lit­tle can have crit­i­cal con­se­quences here.

For this rea­son, we have ded­i­cat­ed our­selves to precision and a pas­sion for capillary and precision tubes. In order to fulfil this require­ment, we reg­u­lar­ly under­go fur­ther train­ing and have our­selves certified.

With our cer­tifi­cates, we assure you that we have the nec­es­sary knowl­edge for your indus­try and can offer you appro­pri­ate solu­tions. We also assure you of this right from the start with the quality assur­ance agree­ment. In it, we give you our seal of approval that we deliv­er out­stand­ing solu­tions not only accord­ing to all standards, but also accord­ing to our own standards.

We can also pro­vide evi­dence of the fol­low­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tions and standards for our work:

  • approved accord­ing to TÜV-Cert DGR 2014/​68/​EU
  • cer­ti­fied accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
  • tubes accord­ing to DIN EN 10204:2004, accep­tance test cer­tifi­cate 3.1 or 3.2 and 2.2 on request
  • Access to exter­nal test laboratories
  • KTA approval for the man­u­fac­ture of capillary and precision tubes for use in nuclear pow­er plants KTA 3201.1
  • PSB cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in accor­dance with VDA QMC for prod­uct safe­ty in the auto­mo­tive industry

Expan­sion of the pho­to­volta­ic system

Last year, we informed you that a pho­to­volta­ic mod­ule had found a place on the roof of our hall. At that time, the sys­tem had a val­ue of 40 kWp and our aim was to expand the sys­tem further.

So this year the time has come, and we will be start­ing the expan­sion of our pho­to­volta­ic sys­tem this month. This expan­sion will dou­ble the capac­i­ty to an impres­sive 80 kWp. We are thus tak­ing a fur­ther step towards a sus­tain­able future and demon­strat­ing our com­mit­ment to envi­ron­men­tal protection.