Site Notice

Grün­er Weg 5
52070 Aachen

Com­mer­cial Reg­is­ter: HRB 3129
Reg­is­tra­tion court: Amts­gericht Aachen

Rep­re­sent­ed by:
Tobias Kirch


Phone: +49 241 900716–0
Tele­fax: +49 241 900716–29
E‑mail: info@​ethen-​rohre.​de


Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber accord­ing to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
DE 121677951

Per­son respon­si­ble for editorial

Tobias Kirch

EU dis­pute resolution

The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion pro­vides a plat­form for online dis­pute res­o­lu­tion (ODR): https://​ec​.europa​.eu/​c​o​n​s​u​m​e​r​s​/​o​dr/.
Our e‑mail address can be found above in the site

Dis­pute res­o­lu­tion pro­ceed­ings in front of a con­sumer arbi­tra­tion board

We are not will­ing or oblig­ed to par­tic­i­pate in dis­pute res­o­lu­tion pro­ceed­ings in front of a con­sumer arbitration

We are cer­ti­fied by TÜV Rheinland

Data pro­tec­tion regulations

ETHEN ROHRE GmbH takes the pro­tec­tion of your per­son­al data very seri­ous­ly and there­fore strict­ly adheres to the require­ments of the data pro­tec­tion acts.
On this web­site, per­son­al data will only be col­lect­ed in the scope nec­es­sary from the tech­ni­cal point of view. Under no cir­cum­stances will the col­lect­ed data be sold or passed on to third par­ties for any oth­er reason.

The state­ment below gives you an overview of the way, how this pro­tec­tion is guar­an­teed by us and which types of data are col­lect­ed for which purpose.

Data pro­cess­ing

ETHEN ROHRE GmbH auto­mat­i­cal­ly col­lects and stores infor­ma­tion in your serv­er log files that is trans­mit­ted to us by your browser.

This includes: + brows­er type/​ ver­sion + oper­at­ing sys­tem used + refer­rer URL (the site vis­it­ed before) + host name of the access­ing com­put­er (IP address) + time of the serv­er request.

ETHEN ROHRE GmbH can­not assign these data to cer­tain peo­ple. The data will not be merged with oth­er data sources, and fur­ther­more the

Right of information

You have the right to obtain infor­ma­tion as to the data stored in connection with you per­son­al­ly, their ori­gin and recip­i­ent and the pur­pose of the stor­age at any time. For infor­ma­tion about data stored about you, con­tact us at info@​ethen-​rohre.​de.

Fur­ther information

Your trust is important to us and this is why we want to inform you on the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data. If you have ques­tions that could not be answered with this data pri­va­cy state­ment or if you want more detailed infor­ma­tion about cer­tain things, please con­tact us at any time by e‑mail: info@​ethen-​rohre.​de

Pic­ture credits:


iStock​.com/​Volodymyr Kalyniuk